
I found a couple of tools to be very helpful. One tool, “digger”, is used to see what answers your local BIND DNS server provides to external queries. It's a one-liner, (Listing 7) but the tool can save you some typing. Of course you could just create an alias instead.

\begin{lstlisting}[label=DIGGER,caption=The \lq\lq digger'' tool]

Use it almost as you would "dig". For instance, the command in Listing 8 will provide an (almost complete) external view of your DNS zone.

\begin{lstlisting}[label=DIGEX,caption=An example of using digger]
digger any

A second tool is useful for examining the certificates which are issued is shown in Listing 9.

\begin{lstlisting}[label=CERT,caption=A script to examine a certificate]